Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship

Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship is a non-profit organization that builds and maintains multiuse trails in the Sierra Buttes, Tahoe, Plumas and Lassen National Forests.

Plumas Sierra Cattlewomen

Plumas-Sierra CattleWomen (PSCW) is a group of women dedicated to the preservation of ranching, beef promotion and agricultural education. Our purpose is to promote the welfare of the livestock industry and to stimulate the growth of agriculture and allied fields in our two counties. PSCW participates is many events throughout the year.

ย Plumas Eureka State Park Association

The lure of gold brought many people to California after the initial discovery at Sutter’s sawmill on the American River in 1848. Prospectors didn’t find their way up to the area we now call Plumas-Eureka until 1851, when a couple of them – part of a larger group – discovered an exposed quartz ledge, rich with gold, high on the slopes of Eureka Peak.

Plumas Arts

PLUMAS ARTS (also known as the Plumas County Arts Commission) was established in 1981 as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, private public benefit corporation. Since its inception, Plumas Arts has been authorized by the Plumas County Board of Supervisors to serve as Plumas Countyโ€™s arts planning and programming agency for the California Arts Council’s (CAC) State-Local Partnership (SLP).

Musica Sierra

Our mission is to enrich the cultural experience of Sierra County with world-class, year-round performances and music education, accessible and affordable for all.

ย Mohawk Valley Stewardship Council

The Mohawk Valley Stewardship Council (MVSC) is a small, community-based 501 (c) (3) non profit corporation. We welcome your support at any level in our efforts to restore the Historic White Sulphur Springs Ranch for the benefit of our community.

Mohawk Community Resource Center

Mohawk Community Resource Center serves to enrich the lives of residents and visitors of the surrounding communities in a friendly atmosphere.

Kentucky Mine

The county park operated by the Sierra County Historical Society and open to the public, features a museum, stamp mill, portal entrance to the now defunct gold mine, an extensive picnic area and numerous mining artifacts dating back to the days when gold mining was rampant throughout this region of the Sierra Nevada.

High Sierra Animal Rescue

As a non-profit organization, we pride ourselves in providing exemplary care that is balanced with fiduciary responsibility. The kindness and generosity of our volunteers, members, adopters, and donors is the key to our success. Our goal is to increase our ability to help more animals so DONATIONS from animal loving, caring people are always needed and appreciated. When animals find a loving permanent home, we know we have made a difference. Our gratitude goes to all our Donors. They make it possible.

Feather River Land Trust

You Can Count On Us. As a nationally accredited land trust, we are built to last. We leverage your donation with state, federal, and foundation dollars and strategic partnerships to achieve the greatest possible impact for the lands, waters, and people of the Feather River region. You can count on us to make careful and effective use of your support.