If you are looking for work in Plumas County, there are opportunities within all the main regions of the county that include Chester, Greenville, Quincy, Portola, and Graeagle.
There are also State and Federal jobs available within the area including the Forest Service, Caltrans, and CHP.
Is your company looking for good, local employees? Chamber members can post jobs on our website. Scroll through local jobs you can apply for today!
Let’s be real: it feels good to have something solid to add to the “additional skills and certifications” section of your resume. Even if your work or internship experience feels a bit scant on paper, you can easily bolster your arsenal of desirable competencies.
There might be areas you’d like to develop that your academic pursuits didn’t cover before graduation — and that’s OK! You can utilize online tools, such as free courses from universities like Harvard and the University of California, Berkeley, to build skills in sought-after areas like data science and marketing analytics. Oftentimes, you have the option to collect professional certificates after completing such courses.
Consider industry-specific certifications, too, not just college courses. If you’re an aspiring marketer, you can get SEO-certified through free micro-courses like SEMRush Academy; tech hopefuls can learn different coding languages using CodeAcademy. Most job listings offer examples of valuable skills, which can guide your search for relevant training courses.
Without much on-the-job experience to cite, it can be difficult to prove your skills effectively. Consider volunteering for causes that can help showcase your abilities in actionable ways while also helping the community around you! For example, helping organize at a food bank over the weekend can speak to skills in inventory management and task delegation. Manning the phones at a crisis hotline can exemplify everything from communication and people skills to swift, level-headed decision making.
The best employees are those who never stop learning and growing. While many eager applicants use valuable real estate in their cover letters to mention that they’re quick learners who strive for consistent personal growth, not all of them can back it up with proof. Consider enrolling in one interesting community college course every semester, or find a local career coach who can meet for monthly sessions. Being able to provide concrete examples for your ongoing professional development goes a lot farther than a standard “I have a passion for learning” on your application.
Once you’ve incorporated this advice into your Handshake profile, you’ll be ready to apply — and then navigate the interview process, salary negotiation, and beyond.
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